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Holiday burnout recovery in January

Good morning,

So like half the population does every year, I joined gym this January, not necessarily for weight loss but for tone, health and general well being.

You see, I’ve noticed a trend with every single friend I have chatted to, with or without kids, we’re all struggling with December burnout. So a few of my close friends and I created an”accountability” WhatsApp group to support and motivate each other out of the burnout zone and push us to get our minds, bodies and goals set and right for 2022.

Each day we send each other our goals for the day and they’re not necessarily “hardcore” goals. We’ve made January a preparation and self love month. 

As an example my goals yesterday were to,

*actually GO to gym

*Dye my hair

* Get washing up to date

*Paint toenails

*Scrub my sons carpet

*Change my daughters linen

I only achieved 3 of those goals, so the remaining 3 will be moved to today. No pressure, lots of self acceptance and love. 

If you’d like to go on this journey with me, I’ll be posting updates in my stories every day. 

We’ve also all written down our goals for the year, then broken them down into monthly, weekly and daily goals. This includes our financial goals, health goals, relationship goals (with friends, family members, etc).

Let’s be honest we all set New Years Eve goals and they’ve faded away by February. But if you have a plan actually written down for the year and an obtainable strategy for how to achieve them every month, week, day, you can do it! And I highly recommend starting an accountability WhatsApp group with like minded friends who’ll push and support you.

Let’s make 2022 one of our best years yet ❤️


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