******UPDATES IN PINK******
Labour pain : feels like the worst period pain you've ever had, lasts a while then goes away, comes back for a while goes away. Start timing the duration of the pain experienced and the time between when there's no pain.
Water Breaking : Literally feels like a "pop", then instant release of pressure, followed by TONS of liquid, sit on the toilet and once you're ready to go to the hospital put a thick sanitary pad in your underwear.
After birth : bath with salt in the water, it will burn but it will help the healing process. Also in case you don't already know, you'll continue bleeding for at least a month after birth. So stock up on pads.
Don't worry about stocking up on size1,2 & 3 diapers, you'll quickly move to size 4 and then 5, stock up on size 5.... believe me.
Breastfeeding : I could only breastfeed both of my kids for 5 days. There's absolutely no shame in not being able to breastfeed. Some of us can't. Fed is best, so have formula and bottles stocked up in case you are like me and your milk supply suddenly dries up.
The after birth poo, is almost worse than the actual act of giving birth. Nope not being over dramatic here and it can take a LONG time for this to go back to normal (a nice relaxing poo if you will)
TOP TIP from one of my readers Angie Bar (thanks hun!) invest in a baby wrap/carrier! This is a life saver and I cant believe I forgot to mention it. Helps you get stuff done while still bonding with baby.
There's a great app called Baby+ I've used it with both kids, you can time their naps, log their feeds and diapers. The app also works if you don't have data or internet, so that's a bonus.
Unfortunately if you don't already know, you're hair is going to fall out at an alarming rate once you've given birth. So if you can stay on your pregnancy vits after birth or get a supplement of either folic acid or collagen.
Create an email account for your baby, there you can email your baby messages and of course photos. Then when they're older, give them the password so that they can read all of your amazing messages over the years.
Very important tip when you do start baba on solids, start with veg, not fruit purees. Think about it, if the first thing youre offered is something sweet then suddenly vegetables how would you react? Exactly. And my son still loves veg to this day, broccoli is his favourite!
If you're bottle feeding, serve at room temperature. Don't get caught in the crazy cycle of having to go warm bottles in the middle of the night. trust me on this, room temperature is perfectly fine.
Don't buy onesies, they're a pain in the ass, especially in the middle of the night, the last thing you want is to spend 5 minutes completely undressing your baby to change diapers. Go with separate top and pants instead.
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