First things First, you'll need the following items:
A mop
A bucket
Floor cleaner
A kitchen timer
The patience of 1000 monks
Supporters readily available for last minute pep talks (for you)
Oh and of course, a baby step and toddler toilet seat.
So my son's 2 and a half and completely potty trained at nursery school. At home it's a different story..... And I've tried on numerous occasions without luck.
I decide to tackle this dilemma, over a hot long weekend because the advice I'd seen online was to let them run around butt naked.
This works Moms! Set the timer to go off every 20 minutes and take your toddler to the toilet.
Try and make it fun though, sing a song (Now this is a story all about how. My life got flipped-turned upside down. And I'd like to take a minute. Just sit right there. I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air. In west Philadelphia born and raised. On the playground was where I spent most of my days. Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool) - I bet you all have that song stuck in your heads now, it's a pleasure....
Maybe tell a story, the toilet seat I got for my "Jurassic Park" obsessed son, was of course, a dinosaur one. So we chatted about all the dinosaurs on his toilet seat and what noises they make. Not to brag or anything, but I can make pretty much ALL of the dinosaurs noises.... What can I say, this girls got skills.
The point is to distract them while they're on the toilet because I mean really, think about it, would you be comfortable going to the loo with someone silently, staring at you?
When the toilet action happens, celebrate it, like your kid has just won the Nobel peace prize. This obviously gives them positive reinforcement to use the loo again and again.
You got this Moms!
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