Hello Ladies,
I heard about this home made face mask about 10 years ago and have been doing it since. Not only are the ingredients probably already in your cupboard/pantry (if not they're cheap) but the benefits are AMAZING.
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
2 tablespoons of honey
Mix all ingredients together and leave on your face for 20 minutes.
Nutmeg: makes the skin plump, which can temporarily reduce and remove fine lines and ugly wrinkles.
Cinnamon: is an antiseptic, meaning it will help reduce the bacteria on the surface of your skin to aid in the prevention of pimples and even help dry out existing pimples. It also stimulates and revitalizes the skin by drawing blood, oxygen and nutrients to the surface of your skin, leaving you glowing!
Honey: plumps up the skin with natural moisturizers, and in addition, is lush in antioxidants and has antimicrobial attributes. Honey is also naturally antibacterial, so it’s great for acne treatment and prevention
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