Hi There,
Like many others trying to save money, I thought I'd try to dye my naturally dark brown hair, blonde at home, myself.
Here is my story, warning its not a fairy tale... although there is mention of unicorns in it....
So I head off to Dischem to find my poison of choice, the at home highlight kit, I'm sure you all know which one I'm referring to. What follows was me literally going through the 5 stages of grief for my previously strong, beautiful hair. Which now, by the way, is a lovely shade of yellow and orange.
DENIAL : Its ok, I'll just bring hats back into fashion until I can fix my hair.
ANGER : Why wasn't I born with blonde hair in the first place!
BARGAINING : If I pray hard enough, my hair will return to some kind of normal colour.
DEPRESSION : Maybe I should just pull a Brittany 2008 and shave it all off.
ACCEPTANCE: My hair is orange and yellow, I am literally the OROS women.
So I did what we all do in times of "crisis" and head off in search for advice from my friends, one suggests leaving tomato sauce in my hair for 30 minutes. This did nothing but piss off my 2 and a half year old, because according to him tomato sauce is a food group all on its own and now, mommy is wasting his favourite food on her hair. I could actually see him salivating staring at my tomato sauce covered head.
The next tip I got was to sit with purple shampoo on my hair, this just added a lovely new hue of purple to my hair. So now we're in a stage of grief AGAIN because my hair is now not only orange and yellow but it now has a bit of purple in it, you know, to just add to the party going on up there.
So here we go again.
DENIAL : F it, it doesn't look THAT bad. Its called "fashion" I'd think while people starred at me in the shops, with my orange, yellow and purple hair.
ANGER : F@#k whoever made that stupid at home highlight kit. channel your best Liam Neeson voice here "I don't know who you are, I don't know what you want, but I will find you and I will kill you".
BARGAINING : I promise to never dye my hair ever again, can it please just magically go back to some normal colour?
DEPRESSION : I stopped leaving my house, in the light of day. The last thing I needed was the flipping sun accentuating my aluminous hair! I'm certain my new neighbours either thought I was a hermit or didn't actually exist. Did they think I was perhaps a vampire?
ACCEPTANCE: My hair is now orange, yellow and purple, I have unicorn hair... That makes me a cool girl mom right?
So now I scour the internet for solutions, first they say dye it Ash blonde to tone out the orange. I did this. NOTHING CHANGED. Now I have to wait another month before I do anything else to my hair again or I wont actually have to pull a Brittany 2008, my hair will fall out all on its own or burn off.
I wait the month and it was a LOOOOOONG month. This time I decided since Ash blonde did nothing I'd go for dark blonde. The instructions said to only leave the product on for 25 minutes unless you have "stubborn grey hair" then you must leave it on for 45 minutes, now I didn't quite fit into that category, in fact grey hair would be 100 steps up from my unicorn hair. So I sat here for 45 minutes praying, bargaining, sending my hair "love, light and positive thoughts".
I washed my hair and was too afraid to even look in the mirror. When I finally, gathered the strength from within to glance in the mirror.... TAADAA.... my hairs dark blond! Hallelujah! Sure, there is still a bit of orange in it but I can fix that with my purple shampoo (obviously not leaving it on for hours at a time.... I've learnt that lesson!)
So there you are guys, you can actually dye your hair from brunette to blonde at home.
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