At the beginning of this year I was on the search for direction, I didn't quite know what I wanted to do but I knew that I needed something for myself outside of being a stay at home mom. So instead of watching brain numbing stuff on TV, I started searching for positive, successful, women role models online. I stumbled on to Evan Carmichael who does these awesome videos on amazing speakers, life coaches, ect Top 10 or 50 rules for success.
Unfortunately there really aren't enough women out there doing this work, or at least not being featured. Anyway one day I stumbled upon a top 10 rules for success by Marie Forlio and started listening to her YouTube channel daily. One day, she had this guest on, Robin Sharma and he was talking about this book called, the 5am club, which he had written.
I stopped what I was doing and actively sat down and watched the episode. It sounded like an amazing idea, for the first hour you're awake you break your day up into three 20 minutes segments,
First 20 minutes - Intense exercise
Second 20 minutes - Reflection -journaling/meditating/praying
Third 20 minutes - Learn - read, listen to an audio book, review goals.
So I sat there thinking, well that's great, hell I'm up at 5am anyway because apparently my kids are allergic to sleeping in BUT in the same breath, I'm a mom of 2 small kids, who are extremely demanding when they wake up. So I thought ok maybe when they're older I'll fit this into our schedule.
We then moved house, I started this blog and started writing for our Estates News Letter and although I was so happy to be in our new beautiful house and happy to be writing, I was super stressed out and out of balance. I knew that I needed to do something to resolve my internal struggle, so I did. I started doing the B.E.E.T journal I posted about last week and then thought, well if I can find time to make journaling and meditation at night, why not try and do this 20/20/20 thing.
On the 11th of June 2021, I committed to myself that NO MATTER WHAT, I was going to do this 20/20/20 process every single morning, not at 5am though, I do it at 7am once my kids are in school. Over the weekends it is more difficult because as much as my fiancé tries to keep the kids busy and away from me there are still times when the kids are climbing all over me while I'm exercising or meditating. In fact my 2 and a half year old thinks I'm sleeping while I'm meditating and actually lies next to me on the carpet and continuously tells the person doing the guided meditation to "SSSHHHT" because mommies sleeping 😂
If you're working at home now because of level 4, give this a try. If you're working from home and your kids are on school holidays, include them in it as much as you can, look for exercises you can do using their body weight (depending on the ages and sizes of your kids) if they're old enough, find a fun exercise class they can do with you. Again my go to for the exercises and meditations is YouTube. Or if you're worried you're kids absolutely wont allow you to have this hour, try to get up before they do.
Pro mom tip : Sleep in your work out clothes!
I've got 2 kids under 3, if I can get this done, so can you and when you start doing this you've already won your day before 8am!
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