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Showing posts from June, 2021

Feeling stressed, depressed, overwhelmed? Try this.

 Hi There, This really worked for me, so I thought I'd share. Just a bit of background, I had a very traumatic birth with my daughter Emma, she actually stopped breathing for a minute after I had her (she turned right before she was about to come out and came out feet first). This led me down a very dark road, for months I struggled with Postpartum Depression. I couldn't bond with her because I had this constant worry that she would somehow be taken away from me. So I did what I was supposed to do and headed off to the doctor, who put me on anti anxiety and anti depression tablets. This was all well and good but it didn't feel like it was working, after changing meds twice in 10 months I went back to the doctor and was put on a different anti depressant. I waited the 2-4 weeks for the new medication to work its way into my body and still nothing. Then I remembered something a dear friend had told me about months prior, her son has ADHD and his therapist advised that the ent...

Every Parent needs a command centre...

  Hey busy mamas! I've just done this by my front door and thought I'd share. Because sleep deprivation has made my mornings absolutely chaotic and I find myself forgetting basic things, even when I prep everything the night before. * Each child has a different "to do" check list because of their ages (2.5 and 9 months) * I did a small basket for accessories * hooks for jackets and school bags * then the larger baskets at the bottom are for their shoes, because this mama's also the cleaning lady. So shoes off when you get in baby! (Not that, that actually helps because well, kids...)

Guys, put your phone on airplane mode when you're with your kids!

  Hi parents, I started doing this about a month ago and its really changed everything for me. When your kids are home, put your damn phone on flight mode! Or switch it off. Then go and put your phone somewhere out of sight. We are all missing so much of our kids lives by connecting with people far away from us, instead of the people literally right in front of us. I have let my family and closest friends know that every single day from 2pm until 8am the next day, I am unavail able. If there's a genuine emergency they can get a hold of me via my fiancés phone. Over weekends it's the same vibe although I check it at night once the kids are in bed. There is nothing more important going on, on social media. I promise you! People are literally paid to make our phones and all these apps addictive. Break that habit, at least while you're with your kids because believe me they can sense that you're attention is elsewhere too and we're teaching them to become addicted to th...